Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Driving Needs

My wife and I were talking in the mini-van today. About the mini-van, funny enough. We were trying to figure out, at what point does the mini-van lose it's usefulness?

It's different for everyone, to be sure. I brought up that the extra seats were handy when we wanted to go out with friends, and we could all fit in the one vehicle. Now our "couple" friends are joining us in having kids. Suddenly, we don't have enough seats. Two vehicles are required again.

My mom, though, doesn't drive. Squeezing her between two full car seats might be tough. Perhaps when both kids are older and only in boosters, it'd be OK. So now we need to keep the extra seats.

The extra seats might be handy in a few more years when we have to drive, not only our kids, but maybe their friends. Birthday parties, movies and zoo trips don't fill themselves.

Then, there's the whole haulage thing. It's nice to be able to toss those seats in the garage and go pick up a whole dinning room set. Do those BMW cross-over SUVs have that kind of space? I'll look into it and let you know.

Not like we plan on dropping the mini-van tomorrow...but when it's time is done, what do we replace it with?

What do you think?

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