Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Sprung.

So I'm sitting here with the laptop on my lap (Duh) while my eldest makes a puppet theatre. Suddenly, I have something to write about! After how many months?


Spring is here. My birthday has come and past. (I'm not 40, yet. That's all I'll say about that!) The weather looks like it might stay in the "pleasant" range for good. (Well, at least until the Summer grossness kick in.) Time to start the serious business of spring cleaning. I've been working on the basement in bits and pieces for a few months now. (Long story-short: I started, I got sick, the kids got sick, the Mrs got sick, shift work.) Today was a "serious" work day, though. While the oldest was at school, the youngest went off to daycare so I was home alone (read: not distracted and uninterrupted.) So I got the patio furniture out to the backyard, moved some bookshelves over, swept up and then painted another good chunk of floor. Then, I ran out of paint. I knew this was likely to happen and I should have gone out this morning to buy more. The plan was to buy more today, but by the time I ran out, it was too late to go get more before I had to pick up from school. (The theatre is starting to look pretty good, by the way. I'll try to get a pic up for you when it's all done and the glue is dry.) So painting had to stop for today. I'll take the littlest monkey out tomorrow morning and try to get some more done while she's napping. Speaking of, we should pack up and go get her soon. Then it'll be time to cook dinner for the brood....
Back to spring stuff though...
Also on the major to-do list is the garage. I'm hoping to build a loft in there to get some (lots) of stuff off the floor and out of the basement. Also, it would be nice to have a proper place to store other "seasonal" stuff. (Packing the lawnmower, kids bike, lawn chairs and more into the outside playhouse for Winter really shouldn't cut it, you know?) We'll have to see how that goes. My very nice neighbour has offered to help me out. (He built his own, so he's not clueless!)
I'll let you know how all that goes.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Cheap Plug time again

Sorry folks! But a good friend has started up an at home business in an effort to spend more time at home with her little ones.
This plug is to get her site on the search engine radar.

Back to normal posting soon. (I think I've said that before)