Monday, December 24, 2012

An Open Letter to the NHL & NHLPA

To the National Hockey League and its Players Association;

Thanks. I'm done with you now. All the posturing and media spin? I'm over it. I don't miss hockey anymore. I don't care if you come back in January. I don't care if you kill the rest of this season. I don't care if you make it back for NEXT September. Call it a day. It was a good run of about 100 years, but you're done. Or, at least, I'm done with you. I've lost all interest in hearing about your latest non-negotiations. I'm not interested in hearing about how you can't agree on how to split BILLIONS of dollars between owners and players.
I'll tuck my (formerly) prized jerseys away in the closet and they'll become memories. My eyes (and DOLLARS) will not be turned your way anymore. Maybe I'll go see what all the fuss is about NFL Football. (Probably not, I prefer the CFL game)  Maybe I'll just find other things to do with all this spare time you've given back to me. Pick up a new hobby. Take some classes. Go for a walk once in a while. Who knows?  I just know that I won't be watching if you come back.
I won't be keeping tabs on you either. No highlights. No picking up a paper to check points and standings. Nothing. You've crossed the line into ridiculousness now. Seriously. BILLIONS of dollars and you're fighting over a couple of percentage points either way.
I got over the stupid "$5000 won't pay for my dog food" comment from a previous fight. I got over there being no hockey at all, last time. I still bought (OK, accepted a gift of) tickets once a year and wore my jersey all season. I'd over pay for popcorn and a drink. I'd yell myself hoarse.  No More.

I Am Done.