Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Back in the habit?

Over two months without a post. (Sigh) So much for getting back into this thing with any regularity.

Our oldest is scheduled to have her tonsils and adnoids removed. (Funny side note: I tried a quick Google for the combined term for the single surgery. While I didn't find that, I did find a site that said they'd give my "child a special 'sleep medicine'..." WOW!) Haven't quite figured out how to "sell" that for her yet. "It's OK honey, you're going to the hospital, you'll have a little nap and when you wake up, you'll be missing some pieces! Oh. And you get ice cream and jello!" I've got a little over a month to figure it out. She was originally booked for January, but a cancellation opened up a spot for December. Yeah, it's the last week of school, but at least it gets it done and she has Christmas break to do a full recovery. With luck, she may make it in for a few days of class. (The actual christmas party might be nice.) I think this also means we'll be postponing her ear piercing for a bit now. (It was supposed to be a birthday/christmas gift, but I don't think fresh open wounds right before, or after, a surgery is so wise.) If all goes well for her, though, she'll stop sounding like an old-time operator and snoring will be a thing of the past. I don't know how I'll tell if she's asleep, actually.
The youngest is progressing well. She's turning a bit scary, in fact. The other day, she started singing the Elmo theme song. When I didn't turn one on for her fast enough, she picked up the remote control for the cable/tv and started mashing buttons. (I think this means we watch too much TV if she "knows" how to turn on Elmo.) 18mths old and she's trying to work the remote control. Crazy. Cute, but crazy. Time to start thinking about getting her out of the crib, into a "big girl" bed and maybe potty training. Or just leave her alone. Choices, choices.

Well, my hockey team is down 3 to zip and the first period isn't even over yet. I'm stuck at work for the night. Dinner break's almost over. I guess it's time to wander off for a bit.

See you soon. (Sooner than last time, I promise.)