Monday, November 30, 2009

Round three?

Well, what do you know? It seems "round three" is definitely still on the table. After all the "what were we thinking?" that I wrote about a few days ago, we still don't have a firm decision on number three.
To be honest, I already knew that. After all, that's why certain steps haven't been taken to ensure there is no number three. It's just that it hasn't come up in conversation for many weeks now, so I thought maybe the interest was waning fast.
What can I say? The two girls are just so darned cute and adorable (some days) that you can't help but want to try again. I'm not against the idea. After all, we've got the "heir and a spare" why not go one more for flair?
Well, if the stars align the right way...
Who knows?

More later,


Thursday, November 26, 2009


If money was no object....What would you do? Travel? Spend? Still save for that "rainy day"?

How much money would it take before you could say, "Money's no object"? $1million? 2? 20?

Where do you even put that kind of money? I can't see my current financial institution being OK with me showing up with a $Million plus lottery "check"

They say that there are three things you should do before announcing yourself to lottery authorities.

1) Cancel your telephone.

2) Talk to a financial planner. (In regards to my question from above, about where to put it all.)

3) Prepare to be bombarded.

There are people out there who are afraid to have money. Can you believe that? They say things like, "Oh! That's too much. I wouldn't know what to do with it. I'd have to hire an accountant. The taxes would be murder."

Wow. If your toughest choice in life turns into "Should I go with accountant X or accounting firm Y?" that's a good thing. There are people right now who have to choose between food and rent. They have to choose between buying gas to get to work to keep their jobs, or buying food for their kids to eat.

I won't get into politics here. (Today) I'm just trying to tell you to keep your mind open. Be aware of the, sometimes, foolish thoughts we let creep into our heads. My wife and I were discussing money this afternoon and we realized that we keep using the term "insane money" when we dream about being rich. That's not a healthy way to look at money. It means that, somewhere deep inside, we might have issues with wealthy people.

If you want to be a wealthy person, it's probably not a good idea to have issues with them. At least we've caught it now. All that's left is to figure out where the problem is. I'd hate to hate myself in a few years when I've come up with a million dollar idea. You know what I mean.

I'll leave you with this again though...If your toughest choice is what accountant to go with...That's a problem that thousands of people would like to have. I know I would.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Driving Needs

My wife and I were talking in the mini-van today. About the mini-van, funny enough. We were trying to figure out, at what point does the mini-van lose it's usefulness?

It's different for everyone, to be sure. I brought up that the extra seats were handy when we wanted to go out with friends, and we could all fit in the one vehicle. Now our "couple" friends are joining us in having kids. Suddenly, we don't have enough seats. Two vehicles are required again.

My mom, though, doesn't drive. Squeezing her between two full car seats might be tough. Perhaps when both kids are older and only in boosters, it'd be OK. So now we need to keep the extra seats.

The extra seats might be handy in a few more years when we have to drive, not only our kids, but maybe their friends. Birthday parties, movies and zoo trips don't fill themselves.

Then, there's the whole haulage thing. It's nice to be able to toss those seats in the garage and go pick up a whole dinning room set. Do those BMW cross-over SUVs have that kind of space? I'll look into it and let you know.

Not like we plan on dropping the mini-van tomorrow...but when it's time is done, what do we replace it with?

What do you think?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thoughts from a Dad

I'm a dad. I have two daughters. Aged 6mths and almost 4yrs. See how I did that? (Hint: There's two (2) things I "did" there.)

First off, I put the youngest first. This is to avoid the problem missing the second girl. If I had put them in chronological order, you would have had to read; 4yrs and 6mths. See the problem? Those two ages sort of come out as one. 41/2 Then you're asking, "Where's the second girl?" Then you have to go back and re-read to see what you missed. That's not fair.

Another "solve" for that issue is my second "did that". I'm one of those parents who stopped using months to describe my eldest at the point she hit 1year. 28mths? What's up with that. She's 2 and a quarter. Or two years and four months...None of this overloading of months.

Enough of that though, I titled this blog "Un-randomness." While what I've put in this post was done on purpose, I don't want to beat it to death either. On to the rest of my points.

My girls are great. (Most days) The eldest has started school. The youngest has started solid foods. Sometimes, though, my wife and I wonder just what were we thinking? I mean, we had wrapped up with diapers. Sleepless nights had become a thing of the past. Then we deliberately put it all back on the table.

Round two.

Don't get me wrong. We wouldn't trade it for anything. I think, though, that other parents of multiple kids know what I'm talking about. There are moments when you just look at your partner and say "Remind me why we thought this was a good idea..."

Hours, or days, later, you get the answer. On of them gives you that special smile when you come in. Or the hand you a special picture they drew. Or you get a random hug. Then, you look down, smile and give up. Nothing in life tops those moments.

I just wish, like countless others before me, that someone had a manual. Or even a user guide. I don't need full schematic, but....

Oh well. It's not like a guide would include a warranty anyway....


The beginning...

This blog will not be random ramblings. I intend to distill information for you, my reader. I'll break it down, where I can, and send it off to you. I may impose my beliefs and biases when I write, but I hope you'll come to appreciate that.
