Monday, April 12, 2010

Time is Running out...

So my time at home is rushing by. I can't believe I'm down to just a month left. Where did the time go?
The little munchkin has decided that walking is the thing to do now. (At least until she's tired of falling down.) She does this funny little run sometimes though. She'll get up and head towards the couch. Then she'll suddenly speed up and fling herself at it. It's as though she's afraid that she won't make it if she doesn't hurry. I don't think it's occurred to her that if she were to continue to walk slowly and carefully, she'd always make it. But the little "fling" at the end is funny as all get out.

Further to my last post, it seems that the fence projects are back on hold for now.

My birthday was a few days ago. It was nice to get out for dinner a couple of nights in a row. First was with a "couple friends" and their little girl. Then it was just the wife and I. Hit the Keg and Date Night. Now, the movie choice had more to do with the showtime, than actual desire to see it. I had originally picked it, but read an AWFUL review, so we decided to skip it for The Bounty Hunter. Bounty was playing too late though. We didn't want to leave my father-in-law stuck in our place until midnight. Date was playing at a much more convenient time.
I'm so glad it was. We laughed out loud so many times and for so long...It's a GREAT movie. It's insane, bizarre and preposterous, but it's worth the time out.

Sigh. Once again, the baby has decided that nap time is over while I'm here writing this. Oh well, I've said most of what I came on to tell you. Go see Date Night.


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