Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Settling In

OK then.

I've been at this about a week-and-a-half now. The baby and I seem to be settling into each other nicely. (Funny though how Mom's not allowed to put her down once she gets home.)
As I type this on the laptop, my littlest girl is wondering around the living room, trying to see what she can kill herself with. (I kid you not, I had to physically move her away from the TV plug 3times yesterday. And I just "Nah-ah!'d her now) My brother put it extremely well when we spoke yesterday. "Your first child tricks you into thinking that you're ready for your second." So true. Whoops! There goes the basket with the oldest's books. Back in a moment...OK, note to self...Random acts of vandalism may mean poopy bum. Sure. For my wife the baby would just come over, tug her leg, look up at her...and smell. For me...WHAM! Drop a bunch of books and when Daddy comes over, watch his face turn that funny look when the scent hits him.
But back to what I started with. I vacuum every day now. Every day. And still, the baby finds something to put in her mouth that she shouldn't. Our first wasn't like this. She was absolutely not a "divide the world in two; Fits in mouth/doesn't fit in mouth" baby. This one? Every five minutes..."What the hell have you got now? A sticker? Where in the hell did that come from?" I seriously couldn't figure out where the stickers were coming from until today when I saw her peel it off her excersaucer. Now at least I know.
We're getting there though. We get up, get the oldest off to wherever for the day, (School or Daycare) come back home and play. Then we have a snack/bottle and go for nap. I try to get a little bit of work done, then she's up again for her lunch. And then we play around some more until it's either time to go get the oldest, or Mommy gets home.
So far, it's worked pretty well. I'm already sleeping better. I see more daylight. I even went on a field trip with the JK class yesterday. Speaking of....
OMG! We went to the "Safety Village" yesterday. Know what that is? Think about the lecture you got in the school gym that was followed by bike/pedestrian safety practice outside with pylons. Now, lose the pylons and replace them with a pint-sized town. There you have it! It's even the same video! They started the tape (yes, it was VHS) and there's Jiminy Cricket and he starts singing...
"I'm no fool! No siree! I'm gonna live to be 83!" It all came flooding back to me! I'd seen this video in my own school days! (To be fair, we saw the "updated" version...with live action footage from the 80's instead of the 60's original) Ahh, what memories.
Well, that about sums up the events so far.
Until next time.


PS- For my Canadian readers....
A GREAT nation-wide list of baby and mom events and sales.

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